Software and System Tutorials
GPRSoft Standard and Professional
Part 1 of the GPRSoft Tutorial Series. Basic introduction to GPRSoft. Learn how to open files, view and save them.
Part 2 of the GPRSoft Tutorial Series. Basic introduction to GPRSoft. Learn how to do simple processing.
Tutorial on using “object tools” in GPRSoft PRO.
Learn how to handle layers with GPRSoft PRO.
Tutorial on using the “topography tool” in GPRSoft PRO.
Tutorial on processing "Bad" data with GPRSoft.
Tutorial on macro function and batch processing in GPRSoft PRO.
Tutorial on velocity analysis in GPRSoft PRO.
Showcase on how overgaining/overclipping can destroy your data.
General Tutorials
The video shows an example of a geology GPR survey using a Geo-80 system. The data is processed using the GPRSoft PRO post-processing software, where the main focus is on the "Topographic Correction" tool.
This movie shows how a bridge deck inspection can be done using an Odin-1000 system.
A demonstration of how soil conductivity affects your data collection.
Basic introduction to GPR. The U-Explorer Mini system is used in this video to find a pipe.

The basic concepts of ground penetrating radar are explained with the aid of, a very simple to use gpr simulator. Download your own free here.
Gaia Spectrum

The concept of bandwidth, as it is used by GPR practitioners, is explained in this document. Read this simple step-by-step guide one how to get information about a system using a Gaia Spectrum software.